America's Top
Mortgage Broker
Join NEXA Mortgage and Chart Your Own Course
Independent Loan Officers backed with the power of unmatched resources
Our network of more than 220 lenders let you offer competitive rates and nice products
Select your pay plan and earn 275bp on each loan. Get paid on W-2 or 1099. Up to 100% commission
NEXA offers live support from experienced loan officers, training, marketing materials, and more
Choose the CRM, marketing, pricing, and lead generation tools you want to use.
Our loan officers can do broked & corespondent non-delegated loans
Set your own hours, workflow, and work setting. Have your own branch or team.
We make Mortgage Easy
NEXA Mortgage, LLC
NMLS # 1660690
AZ LIC # AZMB-0944059
3100 W Ray RD STE 201
Office # 209
Chandler AZ 85226
Robert Balanoff
(773) 828-5700
NMLS # 1974234
AZ LIC # 1023759